Friday, March 11, 2011

the trees are starting to bloom.... spring is around the corner!

Spring has sprung in the lowcountry!  the Bradford Pear tree is full of white blooms, the camelias are still flowering,  the redbuds are blooming and soon the azaleas will blossum! 

The earth is bursting with colors and plenty of  sunshine...  and! daylight savings time coming tomorrow night!  We'll each have one additional hour of daylight ... every single day! 

With the advent of Spring... I've been playing with paper!  getting all my Spring & Easter cards ready for the new season...  I love all the pastel papers and sparkley embellishments.  They take me back to simpler times and Easter Sundays with family... cracking Easter Eggs, decadent meals, pretty party dresses, new shoes, Spring coats, beautiful floral arrangements and Easter Bonnets!

I hope you take a few minutes to treat yourself to sweet memories of childhood!  They will soothe your heart on a hectic day and bathe you in a love light for your soul. 

Those moments are much needed today... I have paper, envelopes, buttons, embellishments, etc. scattered over the kitchen table, chairs, desk, floor as I plan to make the rest of my Easter Cards!  My kitchen looks like a cyclone hit it!

And still!  I manage to sew ... a little!  I found this fabric on our recent trip, added a lavender zipper & here you have it... a little cosmetic case!  just couldn't resist! The fabric reminded me of the season.

Sew!  it's doubtful that I'll be sewing tomorrow ... but I will be playing with paper!  I hope each of you takes a few minutes for yourself to do something that makes you smile... read the paper, call an old friend, reflect on life, write a note, knit a few rows, sew a couple of stitches, draw a simple line drawing, plan to paint or sculpt or carve!  maybe just sit quietly and be happy!  .. most of all, be happy.

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