Thursday, February 24, 2011

take a minute to understand your project & be sure you have the necessary tools!

By now, you probably know that I've been teaching "sewing".   It's been a learning experience for me too!  not everyone learns the same way or at the same pace & my minds speeds past my words sometimes so I'm trying to learn to stop, sit, breathe & re-think the sewing process in simple language.... I've been sewing for a long while & the process is innate for me.... but there are logical steps that every project needs to take!

So please, take a minute to think of what you're making and take a good long look at the instructions until you truly understand them.  If you can't figure it out, ask!  ... or look up a similar project on line to see how someone else made a similar type of item.

You might even need to step back from the project and wait a day or two to give yourself time to process the information.  It'll still be there when "you" are ready!

Remember to wind enough bobbins for your project!  you don't want to stop in the middle of topstitching because you ran out of thread... be sure you bought enough thread for your entire project!

Last month, we talked about sewing essentials and I'd like to go over it again.  If you are serious about sewing, invest in one good pair of scissors when they are on sale.  I'm also recommending silk pins because your machine can easily ride over them, they may be a little costly but are worth it!  again, wait until notions go on sale @ 50% off and stock up on pins and needles!

Below I'm giving you the quick list of essentials.. for your sewing kit!

scissors (that you only use for fabric!), pins, seam ripper, small (tiny) screw driver, small brush to clean the machine, tape measure, yard stick, 6" ruler, 12" ruler, pinking shears (optional but helpful), pencil,  sewing machine needles, thread...

If you learn to sew and do it well, it will be a skill of a lifetime to calm you, cloth you, entertain you and give you decades of happy memories!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

been sew busy sewing!

After the Christmas holidays, I went back to the Arts & Crafts Center @ JB Charleston & my friend's daughter had made her the most adorable "lined zippered" change purse!  it was the perfect size, made beautifully in fun colors... I wanted one!  so I went online, found some instructions and I've been busy...

Another young lady had brought her "wool felting" book to class for me to see along with a beautiful treasure.. hand felted silk scarf!  of course, I wanted to do that too!  there just aren't enough hours in the day for me to do everything I want to accomplish...  but while at the craft store, I bought some "feltable" wool yarn (in pink & tan), crocheted the little purse & then made a zippered lining to hand stitch into the purse.. see lower right of the above photo!

I did try my hand at felting... took an old "large" cashmere sweater, washed in it warm water with mild detergent & put in the dryer on medium.  It came out a beautiful fluffy texture & shrunk to the perfet size to wear.  I didn't have the heart to cut it up to make a purse so I fixed some holes, made a few wool felt patches & wore it with jeans... it was a cute look! .. but not the project of my choice...  might need to find an old sweater at Goodwill & try that!

The little purses are one of my "new" favorite projects!  I'm using some of my "fabric" stash & the zippers from ... I add interior pockets to the lining & have so much fun with them.

I have another one in the machine right now... was in the middle of it just before we went out the door earlier this evening... will finish & photo tomorrow so I can mail it out soon!  someone is having an important birthday in two weeks!... guess who???  yes, a package just for you!  no goodies for anyone else... just "my" little sweetheart!

baby bonnets!

The fabric store had patterns on sale Monday for $1 @ piece... I just couldn't resist!  I bought 5 children's patterns.... Someone is going to be 3 in two months!!!  and..  We're waiting for a new great niece & great nephew!  so... baby sewing!  I thought the bonnets would take 5 minutes each... not even close... I had no idea how much time each one took because I was having sew much fun!  they take some time but the end result is too cute... hope you like them! 

off for the evening... see you in class!   happy sewing!  if you can imagine it, you can do it! 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

sewing, sewing,sewing ... & spring is just around the corner!

Camilias in bloom!
This coming week, I'll be teaching "zippers" & "zippered change purses/ wristlets"  zippered & lined!    made four today... just love them! will take some photos soon & post the instructions!

hope you're enjoying the beautiful sunny weather!  it hit 72 today... I did get myself outdoors for a walk around the neighborhood... spring has hit the lowcountry!  starting to see buds on the trees!

have a wonderful evening!  will see you in class...

Friday, February 18, 2011

busy day!

I vowed to clean up some of the clutter!  ... and was very successful, except... for the dining room where I happen to be sewing now!  the library, kitchen, bedroom & baths are "clutter free" zones!  yeah!  the dining room is another story... my sewing machine, a few piles of fabric, some finished projects and patterns adorn the table, chairs & knee walls! 

but it was beautiful here today!  77 at 1:30pm... came back from the store with the top down on the car & left it down to go to the movies with Mikey.  we saw "Unknown"... lots of action, good movie, but Mikey had already figured out the plot from the trailer!?!  ... enjoyed it anyway... go see it, don't wait for the dvd.

My dearest friend in NY has an adorable little girl with the sweetest little voice... my heart melts when I hear that voice on the phone!  these photos are of the precious little one in a few dresses I've made her... & a "big girl" blanket I made!  hope you enjoy seeing some of my handywork!

Getting a gift basket or two together to donate for a club scholarship fund auction next month!  will probably do a "sewing basket" & donate a lesson with it!  ... then thinking of a retro craft basket!  having some fun with this!

I'm off to the sofa... TV, snacks & making some pin cushions!  have a great evening...xoxo

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I wore my new dress to class today & then to dinner with Mikey! 
Next time, I'll put darts where the front pleats are & probably make it with the pockets... would love some candy apple red double knit for this...will keep looking!  please let me know if you find any around town.

Hope y'all have a great evening!  I'll be finishing my retro aprons! 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

lots to talk about! ... & instructions for "new mommy burping cloth"

well!  it's been an extremely productive day... the house is clean!  & most of the yard is raked... Michael worked for several hours and I went out to help after pulling the kingsize bed away from the wall to dust, vacuum & polish the back of the headboard!  ... I'm so becoming my mother!

last night I worked on some "petit fors" pincushions...  they make the cutest party favors @ appx 1.5" high! made one in red, white & blue with a navy star on top!  (not shown)

The zipper is back in the maroon dress... let's hope the fit is better!  I was able to take it in about 2.5"... we'll see later when I get the facings, etc sewn... really don't want to take it apart again!  keeping my fingers crossed!

getting ready for two classes tomorrow... a "bag holder" class and a "ruffle" class with the project being a retro apron!  I already cut the fabric, ribbon, elastic, etc. for both projects.

yesterday, we made the "new mommy burping cloths" using Gerber prefolded premium padded diapers & lined one side with flannel.  the flannel keeps the cloth on the mommy or daddy (or granny & pop pop) instead of a plain diaper sliding off... plus it gives an extra layer of protection! 

if you want to do this project... be sure to cut each piece of flannel to match each individual diaper... the sizes & shapes in the package are not exact... we found out yesterday!  I used one diaper to cut all the flannel & it wasn't perfect... close but not exact!  after cutting, pin the flannel to the diaper & straight stitch @1/2" all around.. then in between the straight stitch & edge, zig zag all around to prevent excessive fraying.  you want some fraying for the baby to play with the texture!  next pin the flannel to the diaper (on the diaper side) ... down each row of stitching on the diaper & straight stitch in the ditch (on the stitiching) on each side of the extra padding!  clip all your threads & you're done! 

be sure to wash after sewing!

hope everyone has a wonderful evening..  I'll see you in class tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

it's too late to start sewing! think I'll actually relax!

I have the eggplant double knit dress apart... have decided to remove the back darts & take the top in the full width of each dart... hoping that it'll be small enough, just too big & floppy in the back.... but I'm too tired to start sewing at this hour, so tomorrow after "cleaning the house" :(  ... I'll start the process! 

yep! the house needs a good cleaning again!  I just don't know, two people, no kids or pets & the rags, cleaners, vacuum, etc come out way too often... yes, I know!  I have no one to blame but me cause Mikey never complains.. it's all me!  why do we do that?!?!?  I'm becoming my mother... it's really scary! 

we did have two classes today!  "Patterns" & "Burping cloths"  ... had fun with the ladies, Sam's "men" came to visit & Cara made yummy cupcakes!  all in all a good day!

hope everyone did one thing they really loved today!  have a relaxing evening... xoxo

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day! xoxo

It's Valentine's Day!  sending a spool of happy wishes to you my family & friends along with a thimble full of laughter stitched with joys that never end.

Hope your day is a happy one... please know you are loved all year long!  xoxo

Sunday, February 13, 2011

hearts, roses, a finished project, Sunday dinner & the paper!

sleeve detail

Yes!  the jacket is finally finished!   still trying to get used to the new camera... guess I need to devote some time to it!  but the year is 2011 & new cameras don't come with owner's manuals... everything is in the camera or online... wish I could just sit down & read the instructions... not in this day & age! 

As you know, yesterday I started my new eggplant (maroon, the exact color of St. John's Gammar School uniforms!  do you remember it?) colored dress... see McCalls pattern below, long sleeve view!  I'm still getting used to my new size!  definitely bought the wrong size pattern... cut it down to a 10/12 (ready to wear 6/8), the skirt is okay?!? need to sew down the pleats & the top needs to come in about 2"... a project for tomorrow night!  tonight I'm reading the Sunday paper!

 Last night, I was reading thru some magazines & found a great recipe for  "Mexican corn bread pizza" in Healthy Cooking (Apr/May 08) ... OMG!!!  with a little tweeking... used 93% lean ground beef & a can of drained Mexican style corn with black beans... it was delicious!!  yummo!  yeah... a new addititon to our monthly menu! 

and as you can see... a single layer Chocolate fudge heart shaped cake for me & my honey! used only one whole egg & 4 egg whites... light & fluffy!  we already had a piece each... may be our TV snack tonight too!  thank goodness I walked 4 miles today or I wouldn't be able to fit in my clothes tomorrow! 

hope everyone has a delightful evening.. and be sure to let everyone in your life know that they are loved tomorrow!  Happy St. Valentine's Day!  xoxo

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I wanted to take a day off... from blogging!

I did!  I really wanted a day off... so I sat down with Mikey after cutting a knit dress.. the same color as are our burgandy Catholic School uniforms.  yep! the first time in my adult life that I'll actually wear that color! so anyway, I sit down with Mikey & what are we watching... Julie & Julia... and she's tired & cooking & blogging at all hours of the day... so I ask for a "pause" so I can blog!

yep!  a movie inspired me to write to you! 

the jacket! is done... yeah!!!  wanted to wear it today with jeans.. but a tad too dressy!  will have to wait for a "special" day.. maybe Monday.. 2/14! 

so I decided to make the dress... McCalls # M5927.. view E without the pockets.. I think that front pockets may just be a bit too too much!  so no pockets for me... the dress is cut, zipper in, front & back attached... I'm not lining it ... after looking at the "Jones NY" dress I bought a few months ago... also double knit & not lined!  thank goodness after all that work interfacing & lining the jacket! 

and now my break is just about over & I'm off to the sofa to finish the movie & probably snack my way thru the evening!  yep!  I snack... all night! 

good night my friends... remember to do something special for someone who doesn't expect a Valentine's treat!... it feels so good to see a smile looking back at you!  xoxo

Friday, February 11, 2011


getting ready for Tuesday's "Understanding a Pattern Class"... the material is printed & marked... pretty much ready to go!  ... but!  ... I wanted to pass on some pattern companies to you...

When I first started sewing, Simplicity was the perfect choice for a 10 year old so I wanted to revisit them, it's been a while! They now have wonderful updated patterns, some in affiliation with Threads Magazine.  You can visit them @   ...took a look at it this morning... it's young and edgy with lots of fun products, projects and patterns.... love it!

Later on as a young adult, I ventured over to Butterick, McCalls and Vogue... they can all be found @  I still use their patterns probably because they are easily accessable here in SC in a limited retail market and seem to fit my body type perfectly with very few adjustments!

I'm finding that there are many more pattern companies available... Burda, Kwik Sew, and other small pattern companies that can be found on line. Hope you have the opportunity to take a look and have some fun with a new pattern.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

a sparkly pink day! and the sun came out around noon!

It was dreary when I woke up this morning... didn't feel like the sun would come out (it did, thank God!)... but I wanted something wonderful in my day... besides Mikey! and sewing... so I grabbed an old favorite pink embroidered cardigan and a belt to hold up my jeans!  yep! I wore my favorite pink bling belt buckle from (check them out!) and got so many compliments!  thanks CA for my belt... I think of you everytime I wear it... so so love it!  almost as much as I love you... xoxo

My second package came from ... more zippers.. a rainbow assortment! still waiting for shoulder pads & a bolt of interfacing... now that I see how beautiful a "fully interfaced" garment drapes... lots of work but worth the effort!

My "beginners" finished their projects with flying colors and the "Skirt Lab" was a success...Lindsay's initial skirt adjustments came out perfect as did the skirt (as expected!)  & Jen "skinny mini" should have hers done shortly... so now I'm off to finish the waistband on my new denim skirt and spend the rest of the evening with Michael on the sofa in front of the TV with my jacket lining to be finished... should have photos for you tomorrow!

Not much else right now... hope each of you does something wonderful for someone you love today!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

shopping expedition today!

Yesterday, one of my ladies (4 are pregnant) asked about handmade "burp cloths".. I'm working on it Cara!  After some research last evening, I decided to head out to the stores today to see what is actually out there & available for new mommies!  Some of the things are sad & flimsy and will leave you smelling like sour milk all day... ever had one of those days?!?!?  new born unhappy & you not being able to take a shower til help is on the way!

If you have any advice, please leave it for me... Please! 

I did manage to see some nice burping cloths is a local store... expensive! but really nice...doubled & triple lined down the center, 100% cotton & a nice size... I doubt that the 8" x 14" single ply cloths will do much to keep you & the baby clean, dry & smelling sweet!  We definitely can do this less expensively and really cute!

The plan and pattern are in the works & should be finished over the weekend!... thinking that we can schedule a class @ 1:15pm on Tuesday 2/15 after the pattern class... please email me with your RSVP!

So after all the "new mommy" shopping today, I came home to an email from one of my favorite ladies with a website for you...  Checked it out... has some really cute projects, great instructions & patterns too! see what you think.  thanks so much Jennifer! your email put a smile in my day... see you tomorrow!  xoxo

hope everyone gets to do at least one fun project today.. I'm off to my sewing machine to finish sewing the sleeves into the lining... looks like I'll be handstitching lining into the jacket tonight in front of the tv!  I really am a lucky girl that Michael doesn't complain about the lights on in the middle of a movie... and by now you've figured out that I rarely sit still without a project in my hands... there's usually a pile of fabric, ribbon, yarn or paper (not to mention books & magazines) in our library!

have fun my friends!  see you tomorrow!  xoxo

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I love Tuesdays!

who woulda though?!?!?  yep!   I do love Tuesdays... a new week of sewing starts on Tuesday for me & it is so uplifting to see the smiling faces when a project is completed! 

the ladies made pocket pack tissue covers. they got a choice of fabrics, learned some new skills, practiced threading their machines and walked out of class with a finished project. 

Plus... we celebrated a birthday with brownies!  Mikey taste tested them last night to be sure they were okay for the class today... he said he might come to class for the brownies but in the long run stayed home to play in his shop! 

for the tissue covers... * cut a 5.5" by 8" piece of fabric
                                  * mark the center of the 8" edges with straight pins place perpendicular to the edge
                                  * on both 5.5" edges, turn the fabric under 1/4" with wrong sides together and then turn under one more time to enclose the raw edge the stitch the hem in place
                                  * fold both hemmed edges to the center with right sides of the fabric together & pin
                                  * using a 1/4" seam allowance, stitch the raw edges and then go back over the edge of the seam allowance with a zigzag stitch.
                                   * turn right side out & press
                                   * insert your pocket pack of tissues!!!

You may want to make a few extra of these for ... backpacks, golf bags, fishing boxes, young mommy's carryalls, granny's handbag... you get the idea!  they make a cute little gift... have fun sewing up a bunch in different colors! 

The future mommies in my class have been asking for baby items so I did some web searching to make a "burping cloth" ...  we'll add a class ... soon!!!  please let me know... pink or blue... or waiting til the baby comes! 

Have you planned your Valentine's Day yet?  ... made your cards?  or heart shaped wreaths?  would love to hear about your projects!

am hoping that old man winter decides to take his leave quickly... getting very tired of the cold weather!  so much so that I ordered a new bathing suit on line today.... just can't wait for it to warm up so I can drag the sewing machine & extension cord outside to sew in the sun! 

It's that time of day when I shut everything down and spend time with my honey...  Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!

Monday, February 7, 2011

I love surprises!

If you know me, you know how much I love surprises, packages, presents and mail!  doesn't matter whether I'm the gift giver, reciever or just a happy onlooker... so today I'm especially excited.  A package came in the mail from my sister-in-law with a beautiful handmade card and the fronts of Christmas cards she received this year. The perfect pick me up for a dreary rainy chilly day in the lowcountry... thanks sis!  you made my day!

Spent some time today getting ready for "Sewing for Beginners"  this week...  and the Skirt Lab!  It makes my day when I see the shining faces, eyes twinkling and big smiles... sewing is supposed to be fun!  I hope you all have a little bit of peace while sewing, joy from your developing skills and sense of accomplishment at the end of a project well done!

Sew... this is my favorite jacket pattern!  because the fit is perfect for me... & it looks great dressed up or with jeans

I did manage to finish handstitching the trim last night & worked on attaching the facings to the jacket on the inside during the game... just need to machine stitch the lining together before handstitching the lining into the jacket... should be done by the end of the week... just in time for Valentine's dinner out with my honey!
Hope everyone has a pleasant evening!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

an early post on Superbowl Sunday!!!

The camera arrived!   so happy to be able to share some of my projects with you...  
crocheted handbags

kitchen valance

library cornices!

handbags topped with a tray of pincushions!

dupioni silk  & satin duvet, pillow shams & window treatments

velvet duvet, pillow, window treatments

 I'm off to finish my valentines day cards... want to send them out tomorrow!  planning some "guy food" for dinner during the game & then continue my handstitching of the trim on my jacket after half time!  definitely sad to see football season come to an end... I love Sunday football with Mikey! 

will probably assemble the lining tomorrow. definitely coming down the home stretch on my new black Chanel style jacket! 

Hope your team wins tonite! 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sew Day.... Saturday!

I promised myself that I would do whatever I wanted today!  ... only things I really wanted to do... so first thing,,,I did wash!?!?! a little nuts, but it made me happy to have it done!  then off to Lowes & Walmart with my honey ... so happy he wanted to go because I had this new project that I wanted to try for Tuesday's class... I got my supplies, designed the project & made one for me and an awesome one for Mikey!!! 

then on to my jacket... still a work in progress!  but definitely progressing!  had a surprise visit from two of my favorite young adults... thanks Heather for stopping by & bringing Isaac with you!  so good to see you both, get some hugs & see some new photos of the "sleeping princess"... 

now off to watch some tv with my handsome husband & handstitch my jacket trim! 

hope you all have a fabulous evening ... and are gearing up for Superbowl 45 tomorrow! 

Friday, February 4, 2011

There's no place like home!

In June of 1996, I had the opportunity to again travel to Italy for an extended "vacation".  It was a "childrensware learning, sewing, buying" trip, exhausting but fun! 
We flew out of JFK  into Rome... train into the city of Rome, took a taxi to the Vatican to get a new Rosary for my mom!  then back to the train station for the trip to Florence on the "fast train" wizzing by all the miles of sunflowers to finally arrive at our apartment on the Arno River!  After a week or so of trade shows, fabric mills, wholesale houses, trips up north, museums & gardens, we drove over to the Adriatic coast for another week or so of more dress manufacturers, etc .. but yes! I did get to swim at the beach, have dinner at the Blue Grotto in a mountain, see the Truli... and sew in Italy!  it was an amazing trip!

I was so happy to get back to New York with the best family, friends, food, beaches & everything that makes up our wonderful country !  we missed the 4th of July in America!  they don't celebrate it in Itlay!  there's no place like home!  that was the most valable lesson of the trip!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Finally! a minute!

Today, I taught an Intro to Sewing class... and I had to remind myself!  It's so important to sit and relax once in a while.... maybe even just lessen the pace and savor the minute.  Life (& projects) go by so quickly... take some time to enjoy the ride!  Let it be about the journey as much as the end result...

This morning, I remembered (thank goodness!)... to cut the fabric for the Chef's Aprons!  and the ribbon to go with it... the ladies all did beautiful jobs... Bravo!  I applaud them... they are a wonderful bright group of young ladies!

now... I'm taking my own advice.. I'm off to the sofa to sit & watch some tv with my honey!  yep! this early.. done for the day! 

see ya tomorrow!

ps... my package came from ... everything perfect & order was complete!  also got an email from them offering free shipping this week... plus they do have some clearance! 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

a few photos & a word on my progress!

I'm still working on my jacket... using McCalls pattern #M4972... I've posted some photos to my 1st blog... the front & back are sewn & pockets handstitched in place!  will continue with the sleeves as soon as I'm off the computer!

I've used this pattern before... and am including photos of the two previous jackets made from this pattern.  As you can see, different fabrics and applications of trim change the look completely. If you find a pattern that fits or is altered to give you a flattering fit, you will get many years of beatiful garments from it! Be sure to take good care of your patterns.. press them before each use & keep them stored neatly when not in use.  

Now, I'm off to sew!  and then get ready for my Intro Class part 2 tomorrow followed by a Sewing Lab for the straight skirt in Butterick pattern #5391!  thank goodness my handsome husband is easy to cook for & is so encouraging!  thanks honey, for being such a good guy!  xoxo

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sew Tuesday! Savor each stitch... xoxo

Sew today we started an Intro to Sewing class!  It's so exciting to see the faces light up when they learn to turn the machine on, thread a bobbin, thread the machine and then sew!

And then ... we did a "no sew" fleece blanket for the second class of the day!  ... so much fun to see the different choices each student made for their fleece!  and I had an adorable handsome little gentleman join us!  thanks Gina! for bringing the baby... he was soooo soooo good! 

I really don't advocate children (or cellphones) in the classroom... but have made a few exceptions & have not been disappointed! 

I have a reminder for you today... sew slowly!  we sometimes, don't take the time to savor the "art of sewing"... I, for one, am usually in a hurry to see the final result... and sometime, actually need to wear the garment the same day... like the day I needed a pair of shorts to wear, didn't finish the seams properly & now they unravel a bit each time in the wash... but I really, really "needed" to wear them that minute... because?  I didn't have another pair?  ... if you know me... you'll doubt that it's the case!

So take your time, measure, pin, have fun with it and savor each stitch!  In the end, you will have spent some peaceful and quality time enjoying an art that you are getting better at each time you sit in front of your machine!