Monday, February 20, 2012

Purses, purses and.. more purses!

Special Order Bridal Party Purse
Last week, a soon to be bride ordered ELEVEN satin purses for her Bridal Party.. to I set to cutting, lining, sewing .. and then some more sewing! 

In the meantime, a sweet new friend mentioned a week or so ago that she would like a "tinkerbell" grab & go purse.. so I managed to cut some fabric with as many sweet little fluttering fairies as possible..  

then, while meandering thru sewing sites, I came across a fun flirty drawstring purse that I had to make and have.. so all in all, I made 11 black satin wristlets, 2 drawsting purses and 2 "grab & go" clutches.. 
think I'll make my black dress tomorrow.. happy sewing to all! 


  1. Those bridal purses are so beautiful! You are a sewing crazy woman!!!! You should join The Artisan Group with Nancy and Galla! Your items are perfect!

    1. Libbi.. I did join the Artisan Group, just seems to be pricey! let's talk! curious to know about your experience... wishing you the best with it!

    2. have a few new purses... stop by a take a look at my blog or my shop! hope all is well Libbi! miss seeing y'all .. xoxo

  2. Your purses are gorgeous! I'm always in awe of people who have such a great talent too—my sewing machine and I have a love/hate relationship! LOL

    1. thanks so much! .. and as for the machine.. always use the same type of thread in the spool & the bobbin.. DUAL DUTY has changed over the years so read the label! a slightly bent needle can really throw a monkey wrench into the mix, sometime it pays to just replace an older needle.. if all else fails, read a book or take a nap.

      I find that I really need to be in the mood to sew! .. yep! even me.. who loves to sew!

  3. Replies
    1. thanks for the compliment! I'm in love with your photos Bill! :)

  4. Replies
    1. where do you live Bella? I teach sewing here in SC! come for a visit & I'll teach you!

  5. very pretty! love your workspace as well. it's so neat and tidy!

    1. thanks! & yep! it does look neat & tidy in the photo.. thank goodness there is no webcamb.. cyclone Anita has hit the house.. I'm currently sewing in the dining room, papercrafting in the office, crocheting in the library & computing in the kitchen.. spread all out over the house! lol! :))))

  6. You sound like me when I get on a sewing spree :) Love the purses, mind sharing the link for the drawstring ones ?:)

    1. thanks Ruth! love love love to sew :) the drawstring was fun!... but don't have the link.. usually see something, try it & then I have the finished product to work from or tweek! will do a blog on it one day! :)

  7. Wow, that's a ton of sewing. The bridal purses look terrific. Great job.

    1. thanks Linda! .. yep! tons of sewing.. still more to go... in the midst of a black suede dress for me! :)

  8. those are great looking purses, great job

  9. when do we get to see this black suede dress?
    the purses are really lovely.
    I have all my stuff all over the house too.

  10. hey Anne! thanks for stopping by.. the black suede dress is hanging up .. waiting to be hemmed! I'm desparately trying to organize the office so I can get back in there to sew! just can't stand being scattered all over the house... but it's a slow process, folding fabric, organizing zippers, ribbons, trims and I haven't even looked at paper crafting yet... giving it 2 more days! you should see the dress by next week! :) ~Anita xoxo

  11. check out my most recent creations .. just added to my etsy shop!
