Monday, February 20, 2012

Purses, purses and.. more purses!

Special Order Bridal Party Purse
Last week, a soon to be bride ordered ELEVEN satin purses for her Bridal Party.. to I set to cutting, lining, sewing .. and then some more sewing! 

In the meantime, a sweet new friend mentioned a week or so ago that she would like a "tinkerbell" grab & go purse.. so I managed to cut some fabric with as many sweet little fluttering fairies as possible..  

then, while meandering thru sewing sites, I came across a fun flirty drawstring purse that I had to make and have.. so all in all, I made 11 black satin wristlets, 2 drawsting purses and 2 "grab & go" clutches.. 
think I'll make my black dress tomorrow.. happy sewing to all! 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How are you getting ready for Valentine's Day!

Yep!  I have a question for you.  How are each of you getting ready for Valentine's Day? 

Have you made a plan yet?  YOU have less than a week.  have you made a list?  are you making or buying cards, fashioning paper flowers, floating candles, cooking a delicious dinner or baking a special dessert?  think about it.. why not save a few $$$  and do it yourself...  corral the kids into helping!  they'll be soo soooo thrilled to be part of the BIG EVENT!  cut hearts out of paper & scatter them over the dining table or kitchen island, light some candles & add paper doilies to your dessert plate!

I know one young adorable lady who is about to make a new pair of pj bottoms for her honey.  We'll be doing that in class tomorrow.. She has lovingly taken apart a pair of favorite & very tattered pjs saving the elastic & drawstring.. We'll can make a pattern out of the old pair & quickly make a new pair for her wonderful husband.

Another little sweetheart is planning a big event for Saturday night.. a Valentine Couples Dinner Event in costume.. we'll be taking her wedding gown apart to refashion it into Alice's RED QUEEN!  what an exciting & ambitious venture.. it'll be sew much fun!  adding some red panels, fancy trims & red hearts..

Personally, I think my honey deserves a fabulous dessert.. imaging a tiramisu!  made one during the holidays & it got rave reviews!  not sure what to make for dinner.. waiting for a wish list!  we'll definitley have roses & candlelight ... maybe out to a movie!

Whatever you plan, hope your day is filled with lots of love from the special people in your life!  be sure to include everyone in your plans.. everyone can use a little bit of extra love & attention.. on Valentine's Day & all year long!

ps... if you need last minute gifts.. please browse thru my shop at..