Sunday, January 15, 2012

...promised that to blog at least once a month!!!

yep!  promised!  and have been sew so busy!  you can see the results at  or here!

I've been sewing.. Little Miss Prim has been at it again!  Here are the first 6 dresses of the 2012 Collection!

Cupcake dress in size 4!  I just love pink!

These two stunning RED DRESSES are the bomb!  The richness of the red does not photograph well ... you'll have to take my word for it.. the color of the fabric is lush!

Tinkerbell Dresses in size 4 and 18/24 months!

I was finishing the detail on this in the dentist's office waiting room...   a little girl seated near me was wide eyed & her mom took my card.. a birthday coming up soon!
 So today, I'm taking a short break from etsy.. very short break!  and blogging..

on another note.. my sweet friend Anne from & has a terrific blog.. please stop by & take a look at..