Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How are you getting ready for Valentine's Day!

Yep!  I have a question for you.  How are each of you getting ready for Valentine's Day? 

Have you made a plan yet?  YOU have less than a week.  have you made a list?  are you making or buying cards, fashioning paper flowers, floating candles, cooking a delicious dinner or baking a special dessert?  think about it.. why not save a few $$$  and do it yourself...  corral the kids into helping!  they'll be soo soooo thrilled to be part of the BIG EVENT!  cut hearts out of paper & scatter them over the dining table or kitchen island, light some candles & add paper doilies to your dessert plate!

I know one young adorable lady who is about to make a new pair of pj bottoms for her honey.  We'll be doing that in class tomorrow.. She has lovingly taken apart a pair of favorite & very tattered pjs saving the elastic & drawstring.. We'll can make a pattern out of the old pair & quickly make a new pair for her wonderful husband.

Another little sweetheart is planning a big event for Saturday night.. a Valentine Couples Dinner Event in costume.. we'll be taking her wedding gown apart to refashion it into Alice's RED QUEEN!  what an exciting & ambitious venture.. it'll be sew much fun!  adding some red panels, fancy trims & red hearts..

Personally, I think my honey deserves a fabulous dessert.. imaging a tiramisu!  made one during the holidays & it got rave reviews!  not sure what to make for dinner.. waiting for a wish list!  we'll definitley have roses & candlelight ... maybe out to a movie!

Whatever you plan, hope your day is filled with lots of love from the special people in your life!  be sure to include everyone in your plans.. everyone can use a little bit of extra love & attention.. on Valentine's Day & all year long!

ps... if you need last minute gifts.. please browse thru my shop at..


  1. Wow... interesting plans for Valentines... none here sorry to say! Hubby is working and I am babysitting for son... but on the other hand they are having a great day... Having ultra sound to check on their 3 child and spending the night at a hotel. It is also their Wedding anniversary!

    1. congrats to your kids mona! & what fun babysitting.. maybe some heart shaped cookies with the grandkids.. save a few for the honey when he gets home from work.. & have a milk & cookies party!

  2. I have no idea what to do! Years ago, my hubby and I decided it was a waste of money. Ok, so this year he tells me I'm going to love what he's getting... huh?

    1. you must tell us next wednesday! can't wait to hear.. do you have something in mind for your honey? wow! he really threw you a curve! lol! have fun!!! ???

  3. That's so great! I never thought to do anything with the WHOLE family! Since it's on a Tuesday night I think I'll make a special dinner for everyone with some paper hearts cut out for the centerpiece I bet the kids would have fun doing that!

  4. so happy to hear! the kids will be so happy to be included.. :))

    just read your blog.. beautiful work!!!

  5. I'm terminally single but even so, I always HATED V-day... it feels too forced and commercial for my liking...

    1. well each of decides how we want to spend our own time.. good for you! hope you enjoy V-day however you decide to spend it! :)

      .. your post just reminded me to send out my cards to our single family! thanks!

  6. no plans yet.....still trying ot find that perfect match!

  7. New follower from the promotional frenzy team! I have to start getting some Valentine's cards made with my son here soon! Really should be getting to getting the supplies for it.

    As for V-day itself, it's dedicated to my son since it's his 6th birthday! We have to get his gift this weekend!

    Cute items from your store!

    1. how exciting.. happy birthday big boy! wow.. 6!!! have a great weekend & wonderful tuesday! :)

  8. We will be working, so no plans here :\ Maybe we will do something the following weekend.

    1. you can make anyday into a holiday! just pick one! :)

  9. My little guy came home from preschool today and asked to make paper hearts - so sweet! Hubby & I always watch Casablanca for Valentine's Day, a tradition since we've been together!

    1. how sweet! enjoy Casablanca with your hearts from your little sweetheart! :))

  10. We will probably go and have a nice meal somewhere. Love your sewing area :)

    1. thanks rooee! .. enjoy! & wish my sewing room always looked so organized.. i'm spread out ALL over the house!

  11. No plans just yet. We are trying to cut down on sugar, starch and salt and so on. Guess we will need to skip the feeding part of the holiday.

    1. sounds like us too! but Valentine's day is just once a year.. & then there's the roses & candlelight.. would make any simple meal romantic.. enjoy!

  12. Awww, these are sweet. Unfortunately I won't be celebrating Valentine's Day because the hubby won't be home :( Oh well, we'll just celebrate beforehand.

  13. we don't do much for v-day. we are always really loving and sweet to each other anyway :) we save our big stuff for our anniversary :)

  14. thanks to all for your delightful comments!

    just a little reminder.. Valentine's Day is a day for love & that doesn't have to be romantic love. everyone likes to know that they have a special place in your hearts.. so spread some hearts around the office, go to lunch with your co-workers, treat the kids to donuts with sprinkles, give your parents an extra hug, make a phone call to say "I love you"...

  15. No plans here yet but I would like to make some fun dessert.

  16. hope you make something yummy! enjoy! :)
